Ты гроза, гроза ночная, ты душе блаженство рая, дашь ли вспыхнуть, умирая, догорающей свечой?!
I'm a Little Teapot
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"I'm a Little Teapot" is a nursery rhyme describing the boiling and pouring of a teapot.
The recitation of this rhyme is generally accompanied by physical actions that involve imitating a teapot (actions described in brackets below).
The rhyme with a 9-9-9-8 rhythm:
I'm a little teapot, short and stout
Here is my handle (place left/right hand on corresponding hip to imitate handle),
here is my spout (position right/left hand in air to imitate spout).
When I get all steamed up then I shout. (alternately, "hear me shout")
Tip me over and pour me out (lean to the right to imitate pouring tea from the spout).
The third line often varies: one line used is "When I spy a teacup, then I shout".
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"I'm a Little Teapot" is a nursery rhyme describing the boiling and pouring of a teapot.
The recitation of this rhyme is generally accompanied by physical actions that involve imitating a teapot (actions described in brackets below).
The rhyme with a 9-9-9-8 rhythm:
I'm a little teapot, short and stout
Here is my handle (place left/right hand on corresponding hip to imitate handle),
here is my spout (position right/left hand in air to imitate spout).
When I get all steamed up then I shout. (alternately, "hear me shout")
Tip me over and pour me out (lean to the right to imitate pouring tea from the spout).
The third line often varies: one line used is "When I spy a teacup, then I shout".
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I'm a little teapot
I'm a teapot on this BreakfAst
(музыка Sting "Englishman in New York")
А про ВоВ ребята отожгли. Так опустить паладинов...
Вот моя ручка, а вот и мой носик.
Шипеть я могу, но совсем не от злости,
Когда я шиплю, я зову к себе в гости.
Когда я киплю или пар выпускаю,
Мой нос наклони и налей себе чаю."
Кажется так.
Когда читал, она на меня такого страху нагоняла...